Characteristics 7-month-old male, mother employed by ABC
Onset date September 29, 2001
Medical care date September 29, 2001
MMWR date 50 (41), Oct. 19, 2001
Location Manhatten, New York City
Probable source Mother's workplace on September 28
Disease type Cutaneous anthrax
Details The child’s mother, an ABC employee, took the child with her to the ABC building at 47 W. 66th Street in Manhattan on September 28 for a co-worker's birthday party.  The child like came in contact with an envelop sent to ABC that contained anthrax.  No such envelop, however, was recovered. The next day the child had what the mother thought was an insect bite on his arm. The wound quickly worsened, became ulcerated, and the mother took the child to the hospital. The diagnosis of cutaneous anthrax was first considered on October 12 after the announcement of the other confirmed anthrax case in New York City. A serum specimen collected on October 2 was positive for B. anthracis by PCR testing at CDC; a skin biopsy obtained on October 13 was positive by immunohistochemical staining at CDC for the cell wall antigen of B. anthracis. Treated with ciprofloxacin.

Click for clinical details (New England J Medicine) (11/29/01)

Click for complete clinical details (JAMA) (2/20/02)

Click for news account of un-named cases (10/16/01)

Click for news account of case management (10/17/01)

Click for news account of source of exposure (11/7/01)

Click for news account of case onset and treatment (11/8/01)

Click for news account of diagnosis problems and treatment (12/4/01)

Click for news account of treatment (2/20/02)

Click for news of health follow-up of un-named child (9/16/02)

Death date Not applicable