UCLA Public Health Student Association

PHSA Board and Committee Recruiting!

We are opening applications early for spring quarter to join PHSA!

All students in the Fielding School of Public Health are welcome to express interest and apply to either a committee or board position.

To apply to a committee: https://bit.ly/PHSACommittees

To apply to a board position: https://bit.ly/PHSABoard

See our Constitution for committee and board position descriptions!

New FSPH Student Feedback Form

This link leads to an always-open form for students to share ideas, questions, or concerns (outside of formal grievances) to be monitored by the PHSA board. We hope this will allow both PHSA and OSS to recognize issues that are impacting students at a broader scale and develop appropriate responses on an ongoing basis. Once we are back in-person, we will post flyers with a QR code to this form throughout the hallways of CHS for easy access.


PHSA 2020 and 2021 Survey Summaries

Hi everyone! As we start Winter quarter, PHSA will start planning for this year’s student survey. We have worked with the Office of Student Services on summarizing key actions taken as a result of the 2020 and 2021 survey and focus groups. If you’d like more detail on past surveys, please see the attached slide decks from each year and reach out to phsa.fsph@gmail.com with any questions. We’ve also included a copy of the executive summary which was shared via email.




First General Meeting

Thanks to all who were able to attend the first PHSA general meeting of the 2021-2022 Academic Year!

We reviewed the following slides and answered questions about how to join PHSA Board and Committee positions.

You can review the slides here: First General Meeting

Covid-19 Benefit UCLA Public Health Sweatshirts Available at Health Sciences Store and Online!

Covid-19 Benefit UCLA Public Health Sweatshirts Available at Health Sciences Store and Online!

Go pick up a UCLA Public Health sweatshirt and benefit Covid-19 relief for Fielding students! You can get yours at the Health Sciences Store or online at https://www.bruincustomprint.com/phsa/shop/home


Joint PHSA-HPMSA Statement on Sweeps at Echo Lake Park

From the statement:

Echo Park Lake (EPL) has been home to many unhoused individuals for years. Mitch O’Farrell,  District 13 City Councilman aims to change this through the heavily criticized  CARE+ Clean Up that was reinstated by the LA City Council against CDC guidelines.

Sweeps displace and sever connections between the unhoused community and non-profits, making it more difficult to provide them services. Of the 15,000 Project Roomkey promised, only 2,261 rooms are operational and 1,724 rooms are occupied, not enough for those who are displaced (LA County COVID-19 Update).

Read the full text of the statement here to find out more about the sweeps and actions you can take: elp-statement-3-25-2021


Welcome to the Public Health Student Association website!

PHSA holds general meetings twice per quarter. Check the Event Calendar to see when we’re meeting next! If you’d like to get involved with PHSA, please take a look at our PHSA Committees page.

Welcome to UCLA PHSA’s Website!

Welcome to UCLA PHSA’s Website!

Welcome to the new and improved PHSA website!

We hope that this website will serve as a useful resource for students to come and learn more about who is serving on the Executive Board, how they can get involved in different leadership positions, the various projects and missions that PHSA is currently working on, and the upcoming events, workshops, and programs within FSPH and beyond!

We are always brainstorming ways to make this website better – it will be a constant work in progress. Please let us know if you have any ideas on how we can improve the site and make it a more beneficial resource for YOU!