Executive Board Position Descriptions

PHSA Executive Board Positions

Co-Presidents (2 students)

  • Develop a vision and goal for the Public Health Student Association (PHSA) through leadership and mobilization of student leaders.
  • Advocate for the public health student body at meetings with the Faculty Executive Committee, FSPH administration, and the Graduate Student Association.

Vice-President of Internal Affairs (1 student)

  • Responsible for acting as the primary liaison between PHSA and any FSPH student organizations.
  • Responsible for scheduling all General Council Meetings and PHSA Executive Board Meetings.
  • Responsible for taking General Council Meeting minutes.

Vice-President of External Affairs & Community Engagement (1 student)

  • Represents PHSA concerns to other UCLA campus organizations, student organizations on other campuses, and in all other external organizations.
  • Reciprocally brings external organization concerns to the attention of the C0-Presidents.

Vice-President of Communications (2 students)

  • Responsible for compiling and publicizing information to students weekly (“What’s Bruin?”).
  • Responsible for updating and maintaining the PHSA website, e-mail, and Facebook accounts.

Vice-President of Finance (1 student)

  • Responsible for oversight of all of PHSA’s financial issues.
  • Along with the President, is responsible for the development of a yearly budget and to allocate funds to different PHSA committees for student activities.

Vice-President of Doctoral Affairs (1 student)

  • Works with the President and other Executive Board members to determine the objectives of PHSA.
  • Ensures that doctoral student concerns are communicated to the Executive Board and the General Council.
  • Able to re-run for consecutive terms (i.e., no term limit for this position).

Committee Leads

  • If no board member is currently leading a committee, this student will coordinate the activities and members of the advocacy, survey, social, or professional development committee.